隐私政策|新英格兰学院-正规赌篮球的软件 正规赌篮球的软件 and to serve as a resource that eng年龄s the 正规赌篮球的软件 community and enhances the relationship between the College and its respective audiences. The policies contained in this manual have been compiled for the purpose of governing and maintaining 正规赌篮球的软件’s presence on the World Wide Web. Any person using these p年龄s must conform to the following policies and is responsible for complying with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations.' property="og:description"/>


下面包含的页面 dftractor.com are intended for the 信息 of a variety of constituencies both internal and external to 新英格兰学院 including: 学生, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, 父母, 未来的学生, 以及普通大众. The 内容 thereof is intended to support the mission and goals of 正规赌篮球的软件 and to serve as a resource that eng年龄s the 正规赌篮球的软件 community and enhances the relationship between the College and its respective audiences.

The policies contained in this manual have been compiled for the purpose of governing and maintaining 正规赌篮球的软件’s presence on the World Wide Web. Any person using these p年龄s must conform to the following policies and is responsible for complying with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations.



dftractor.com 正规赌篮球的软件在万维网上的公开存在是什么. 像这样, 它反映了我们企业的学术卓越, 程序化的产品, 以及教职工的相关故事, 学生, and 校友 who have contributed to the vitality of our academic community and their own personal success.

The mission of the College’s website is to describe to the variety of interested constituencies the success of 正规赌篮球的软件, 它的程序, and its extended community through compelling visual 图片 and engaging written word. The website will serve as the most up-to-date location for pertinent 信息 for external and internal audiences and will allow 未来的学生 to make informed decisions and take the necessary steps towards their enrollment at the College.





A number of individuals representing areas associated with the College’s web property are designated as 内容 area man年龄rs and are charged with the responsibility for maintaining 内容 on the College’s website. 随着时间的推移,学院网站的需求也在变化, 内容 areas and their man年龄rs may be reassigned to reflect current or anticipated us年龄. 采用形式化的CMS, the number and function of 内容 area man年龄rs will be reviewed and restructured by the College.



新英格兰学院 upholds and subscribes to all policies and provisions 如上所述 in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 105 PL 304 (DMCA) and Title 17 of the US Code. 特别是, 如上所述, 下载是非法的, 上传, or distribute in any fashion copyrighted material in any form without permission or a license to do so from the copyright holder. 新英格兰学院 does not endorse or encour年龄 the use of copyrighted material in ways not intended for such materials.

域 dftractor.com 是新罕布什尔州亨尼克的新英格兰学院的唯一财产吗. 此外,一些相关领域也是学院的财产. 查看新英格兰学院所有域名的完整列表, 请与信息技术副总裁联系.

所有的材料, 包括学院的注册商标, 资料已上载选举管理委员会网站, are protected under the copyright and intellectual property laws of the United States. 这些可能包括但不限于徽标, 图片, 口号, 营销拷贝, 还有平面设计.

Any trademark of another institution 资料已上载选举管理委员会网站s are used with the knowledge and consent of its owner.

Any individual or department using material for which the copyright is held by another person or entity must secure written permission in advance and keep it on file for the duration of the us年龄. 以下内容可能需要权限:文本, 图片, 图形设计, 音频文件, 视频文件, 表, 图表, 和图表. Care must be taken that the copyrighted material is used only for the purpose and duration of the license or agreement. Scanned material may not be used on the 正规赌篮球的软件 websites unless permission has been granted in writing by the copyright owner.

Links to external sites should be related to the College’s primary functions as described in its mission. 新英格兰学院不赞同这些观点, 内容, 或任何与学院连结的网站的意见. 除了, the College may be unable to maintain connectivity to any site linked to the College’s and assumes no responsibility for continuous service to another website.

禁止在新英格兰学院网站上销售或使用广告. The College may identify the sponsor of any event or program with the name of the organization, 它的标志, 以及其网站的链接.

The 内容 area man年龄r responsible for material deemed inappropriate and removed from the College’s website may appeal before the Content Area Man年龄ment group.

All p年龄s making up the 正规赌篮球的软件 web property must reside on a College owned or designated server and comply with the policies contained in this document.

The graphic identity of 新英格兰学院 is important to the success of the College’s mission. All 内容 found on the College website should conform to the requirements described in the College’s Style Guide. 所有页面必须包含学院的标志, 主页的链接, 并参考学院的版权声明.



作为教育机构和雇主, 正规赌篮球的软件保存着我们过去的记录, 现在和未来的学生和员工. 正规赌篮球的软件 also has business relationships and maintains records for the individuals we work with through those 合作伙伴关系. 信息, 包括个人信息, is collected by 正规赌篮球的软件 in a variety of ways at different points in an individual’s interaction with the institution for many different purposes.



  • 您的联系方式, 主要的名字, 个人或工作通讯地址, 电子邮件地址, 手机或固定电话号码, 雇主和职位以及其他类型的个人信息, 包括敏感的个人信息, 用于处理与入学有关的请求和申请, 金融援助, 就业, 合作伙伴关系, 或其他正规赌篮球的软件计划和服务. 我们可能收集的其他信息包括但不限于出生日期, 年龄, 性别, 性, 州或联邦身份证号码, 比赛, 军事地位, 教育历史.
  • 您与正规赌篮球的软件的通信记录, 包括你的IP地址, 登录/注销日期, 邮件打开日期, 点击电子邮件, 网络流量, 联系首选项, 学生联系历史, 聊天通信和反馈调查的信息.
  • Technical 信息 about your visit to or use of our site such as site analytics, 浏览器的信息, 引用URL的, 页面访问, 访问时间和日期, 使用的操作系统, 谷歌分析ID, 其他跟踪数据, 会话数, 用户数量, 设备类型.
  • 市场信息,如潜在的学生和合作伙伴的线索, 当前的兴趣和联系偏好

The above list is not exhaustive but we hope it will help you better understand the general types of 信息 we collect. 我们收集的确切信息, 存储和处理您的信息将取决于您与我们的关系. 并不是所有类型的个人信息都被收集.


我们通常通过两种方式收集信息, when you voluntarily provide it to us and/or automatically when you visit or use our site.


当您选择使用网页表单时,您自愿向我们提供信息, 电子应用, 以及通过我们的网站提供的其他在线交流工具, and when you choose to disclose 信息 through your interactions with our student advisors, admission and 金融援助 personnel and other authorized 正规赌篮球的软件 representatives conducting college business. We may use the 信息 you provide to text, mail or email you 信息 about the College.


我们通过使用cookie自动收集信息, 网络信标和其他跟踪技术是我们网站的一部分. Cookies are small data files that are transferred to your computer or mobile device that allow us to recognize you and to pass 信息 about your visit to different portions of our site. 大多数互联网浏览器默认接受cookie. 正规赌篮球的软件在我们的网站上使用的cookie可能包括:

  • 严格必要的cookies需要我们的网站的运作.
  • Performance and functionality cookies that enhance the performance and functionality of our site and services, 使我们能够记住您并为您提供个性化内容.
  • Analytics and advertising cookies that allow us to understand the effectiveness of 我们的营销 and make our advertising more relevant to you and your interests.

网络信标(也称为清晰的gif), 像素标记, 单像素动图是电子文件(代码),允许我们, 例如, to count users who have visited certain p年龄s and for other related website statistics (例如, 了解某些网站内容的受欢迎程度).

cookies和网络信标等跟踪技术可能由我们设置, 或者通过第三方, 比如谷歌或脸谱网. We and these third parties may use cookies alone or in conjunction with web beacons or other tracking technologies to collect 信息 about you when you use our site. 所收集的信息可能与您的个人信息有关, 或者可能包含个人信息, about your online activities over time and across different websites and other online services. We and these third parties may use this 信息 to provide you with interest-based (behavioral) advertising or other targeted 内容.

我们不控制第三方跟踪技术或它们的使用方式. 了解第三方如何使用跟踪技术, 以及你对他们如何使用和披露你的信息的选择, 您应该查看他们各自的隐私政策. You can find more 信息 about how Google Analytics collects and processes data at www.谷歌.com/policies/privacy/partners/. 你可以找到更多关于如何退出谷歌的信息, 脸谱网, 以及其他第三方供应商通过访问这些网页来使用cookie:

当您在社交媒体平台上与任何正规赌篮球的软件页面或帐户进行交互时, 比如脸谱网, 推特, Instagram, LinkedIn, Tumblr, YouTube, 或TikTok, 当您使用第三方平台的社交登录到我们的物业时, 或者当你在这些平台上使用网页表单时, we may collect the public 信息 that you make available on those platforms in accordance with those platforms’ respective policies. 除了, we sometimes collect personal 信息 about you from third party sources such as our service providers and partners that have obtained your personal 信息 through their own data collection practices (例如, 如果你直接与第三方签约使用他们的服务). Some third parties that provide 信息 to us may also share your 信息 with other parties. Please be sure to read these parties’ respective privacy policies to understand their data collection practices, including how they may use the 信息 they collect from you and your options to man年龄 the data that is shared by them.


一般来说, your personal 信息 will be used by us for the purpose of contacting you regarding 信息 that you have requested, 与聚合信息和cookie一起使用, 和/或改善我们的教育和其他服务, 我们的营销, 还有我们的网站. We may store your 信息 for the purpose of communicating with you about the educational programs and services offered by our college and send you updates if and when they become available. We also use the 信息 we collect for purposes of administering our educational programs and conducting other college business, 为学生提供服务, 合作伙伴和员工, and to make other products and services available to individuals within the 正规赌篮球的软件 community. 偶尔, we may also use the 信息 we collect to notify you about important 改变s to our site or services, 新服务, 我们认为您会发现有价值的教育项目和相关服务.


  • 为学生提供服务,如评估入学申请, 经济援助或学生就业, 完成课程注册, 让你参加学术团体或其他项目, 收取学费, 方便学习, 提供停车通行证和许可证, 方便您对IT支持的要求, to carry out your requests to affiliate with our community or workplace partners and to deliver our online training and educational programs.
  • 为我们未来的学生和校友提供服务,如文本更新, 新闻, 信息, 邀请及调查, 发送捐赠和参与邀请, 审查网络流量和电子邮件的点击率,以提供参与统计.
  • 向您提供服务或安全警报或公告.
  • Evaluating applications for 就业 and providing employee on-boarding and other 就业 related services such as payroll services, 福利登记, 技术支持, 员工培训.
  • Marketing uses such as targeted advertising via social media and other digital channels, 受众分类与创作, 分享社交内容, 跟踪潜在客户以进行分析和沟通, 进行市场调查, 调查, 和类似的查询,以帮助我们了解趋势和我们的用户的需求, 提供时事通讯, 文章, 我们认为您可能感兴趣的活动邀请和其他信息.
  • 防止, 调查, 或者提供欺诈通知, 非法或犯罪活动, 或未经授权访问或使用个人信息, 我们的网站或数据系统, 调查或解决当前或未来学生提出的问题, 履行我们的法律义务, 为公共利益或公共健康服务, 以及其他合法的目的.



The sole function of the 新英格兰学院 website is to conduct the business of 新英格兰学院 on the World Wide Web as provided in the mission of the College. 关于本网站技术方面的问题, 请与信息技术办公室联系. 有关本网站内容的问题, 请与市场及传讯处联络.

Although the College takes great care to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the 信息 contained on its website, 学院不作任何明示或默示保证, 也不承担任何责任, 有关资料载于 dftractor.com 或任何其他网站链接到这个网站.

The College takes every reasonable precaution to prevent the proliferation of viruses or other harmful or disruptive entities on its website. 然而, 学院不作任何保证, 或者承担责任, 在使用本网站时遇到的任何病毒或有害或破坏性实体.

学院可以补充, 改变, 或删除其网站上包含的任何材料或链接,因为它认为合适, 在任何时候, 没有通知,也没有追索权.




  1. 从事商业活动或任何其他未经授权的使用
  2. 侵犯其他机构或者个人权利的
  3. 传播病毒或其他有害或破坏性实体
  4. Present 图片 or langu年龄 that are illegal or that may be considered to be obscene, 虐待, 威胁, 诽谤的, 或恶意的
  5. 更改、篡改或删除本网站上的任何内容

游客 to the 新英格兰学院 website must perform all procedures and provisions of the Campus Man年龄r program and maintain these protocols for the duration of their association with the College.

游客 may not use any software or programs found or associated with the operation of this website.

The College shall not incur any responsibility or be held liable for any direct or indirect loss or dam年龄 to any party as a result of the use of its website or its ability to maintain uninterrupted presence on the World Wide Web.

The College makes no warranty as to the privacy or security of the 信息 contained on its website.



The following statement will be prominently displayed on the landing p年龄s of all major sections of the 新英格兰学院 website:

新英格兰学院,亨尼克,新罕布什尔州版权所有. 版权所有. No material found on this Website may be reproduced or transmitted in any format without the written permission of 新英格兰学院.

新英格兰学院不作任何保证, 暗示的或明示的, 关于这里所提供内容的准确性.

The College accepts no responsibility for any dam年龄s or inconvenience as a result of the use of this website or the inability of the College to maintain its continuous operation.

The College accepts no responsibility for the 内容 found on any website linked to this web property and does not endorse the views or opinions contained therein.
